October is breast cancer awareness month, and we would like to take the opportunity this week to highlight actions we can take to reduce the risk of cancer for ourselves and our families, also advice and detection.
I would like to invite anyone who wishes to offer advice, tips or their story to email me info@rinamara.com.
There are many fundraising ideas to help support the Irish cancer society in its fight against breast cancer, host a coffee morning at home or work this October all donations from your coffee morning will fund research and support services for breast cancer patients across Ireland!
https://www.cancer.ie/ Freephone 1800 200 700

12 Ways to Reduce your Cancer Risk 


Paint it Pink : Be breast aware 
It is important that every woman is breast aware. This means knowing what is normal for you so that if any unusual change occurs, you will recognise it, get into the habit of looking at and feeling your breasts from time to time.
The 5 point breast awareness code:
1. Know what is normal for you
2. Know what changes to look for – change in shape, size, appearance of the skin, any pain.
3. Look and feel your breasts for swelling or lump
4. Discuss any changes with your GP without delay
5. Attend for routine breast screening if you are aged between 50 and 64