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Muintearas Educational trip from Boston

Rí na Mara was invited to speak to a group of pupils from Catholic Memorial High School West Roxbury, Boston, about Rí na Mara company and utilising seaweed a natural resource. Accompanying the group was Principal Tom Beatty, their teacher Ms Mary Concannon and Muintearas CEO and Educational trip organiser Mr Sean O Choistealbha. The [...]

By | July 16th, 2018|News|Comments Off on Muintearas Educational trip from Boston

1st International Seaweed for Health Conference

Rí na Mara exhibited at the 1st International “Seaweed for Health” Conference for research and business within Nutraceutical, Bioactive and Pharmaceutic compounds in seaweed. There were some very interesting research studies and findings on the value of seaweed for health within : Dietary and gut, Cancer, as antioxidant & Anti-ageing in skin care and Functional [...]

By | July 16th, 2018|News|Comments Off on 1st International Seaweed for Health Conference

N.U.I.G Case Study

We were delighted to meet with Dr. Gabriela Gliga of National University of Ireland, Galway, Gaillimh NUI with her expertise in Entrepreneurial Economics, Marketing, Business Administration she has chosen to feature Rí na Mara in a case study on Natural Cosmetics industry and International export strategy.

By | June 22nd, 2018|News|Comments Off on N.U.I.G Case Study

N.U.I.G. Guest Lecture

I was delighted to be invited to give a talk by Natasha Evers Global Marketing lecturer, N.U.I.G. on Ri Na Mara’s International Marketing Strategy to Masters Students MSC in International Marketing and the MSC in International Management. I really enjoyed meeting the enthusiastic students.

By | April 12th, 2018|News, Trade Fairs & Events Stories|Comments Off on N.U.I.G. Guest Lecture

Carrolls Irish Gifts

I was super excited to visit Carrolls Irish Gift shop, Westmoreland St. Dublin City Centre, they have the full range of Rí na Mara products. Boris and Arabella are delighted to stock Rí na Mara products, they have samples available and are happy to chat to customers about the range. Pictured with myself is [...]

By | February 24th, 2018|News, Trade Fairs & Events Stories|Comments Off on Carrolls Irish Gifts

Showcase Ireland 2018

  Showcase Ireland 2018 includes the work of 450 of Ireland’s most talented makers and designers across homeware, cosmetics, giftware, fashion, jewellery and accessories. It is hosted in the historic surroundings of the Royal Dublin Society Dublin 4, from January 21st- 24th, and is attended by trade buyers from more than 25 countries keen to [...]

By | February 19th, 2018|News, Trade Fairs & Events Stories|Comments Off on Showcase Ireland 2018

Talk at Dominican College, Galway

I was invited to speak on the 17th January 2018 about Rí na Mara Company and our 14 years in business to Fifth Year students at Dominican College, Taylors Hill, Galway. It was such a pleasure, I really enjoyed meeting all the girls, who had a great interest in business & beauty and their super [...]

By | February 19th, 2018|News|Comments Off on Talk at Dominican College, Galway

Gifted National Craft Fair

Gifted-The Contemporary Craft & Design Fair was held from 5th-10th December 2017, RDS, Dublin. Rí na Mara exhibited at this  Spectacular Christmas event, featuring beautiful Irish gifts & crafts. Its a great opportunity for " Team Rí na Mara " to meet and chat to all our valued customers. We think you will agree its [...]

By | February 19th, 2018|News, Trade Fairs & Events Stories|Comments Off on Gifted National Craft Fair

Galway Christmas Market 2017

There was great excitement and festivities  in Eyre Square, Galway during the annual Christmas Market, which opened Friday 17th November and finished 22nd December. Rí na Mara have exhibited every year since inception and as you can see by our selection of photos we really enjoy the atmosphere and fun especially as it is just [...]

By | February 19th, 2018|News, Trade Fairs & Events Stories|Comments Off on Galway Christmas Market 2017

21st McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference

I was delighted to have been invited to speak at the 21st McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference held in N.U.I.G. September 2017. I met some really interesting, positive people from Universities all over the world, they were particularly interested in the Rí na Mara journey from inception 2004. Challenges in Born Global BusinessPlanning for International Firm [...]

By | October 2nd, 2017|News|Comments Off on 21st McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference


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